Scripture Verse

Death is swallowed up in victory. 1 Corinthians 15:54


J. Lincoln Hall (1866–1930)

Words: Ir­vin H. Mack, The Ser­vice of Praise (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Hall-Mack, 1900), num­ber 176.

Music: J. Lin­coln Hall (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mack (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Merrily, cheer­ily, let us sing;
Highest praise let us raise to our king;
Over land, ov­er sea, send the strain,
Christ the Sav­ior lives again;
He lives to save the world from sin;
He lives to bring the wan­der­ers in;
He is our Sav­ior, praise Him for­ev­er,
Hail our ris­en Lord!


He arose, He arose,
He arose a vic­tor over death;
Shout aloud He arose,
He arose from the grave,
All hail to our ris­en Lord.

Raise the strain, once again, scat­ter gloom;
He arose, con­quer­ing foes from the tomb;
On the air, sweet and clear, hear the song;
Let the earth the sound pro­long;
He burst the bars that held Him bound;
He scat­tered light on all around;
He is our Sav­ior, praise Him for­ev­er,
Hail our ris­en Lord!


Night is past, day at last o’er us gleams;
Light of love, from above, on us beams;
See to­day, on our way, all is bright;
Past is now the gloom of night;
We come to­day with grate­ful lay
To praise the Lord of light and day;
He is our Sav­ior, praise Him for­ev­er,
Hail our ris­en Lord!
