Scripture Verse

My servants shall sing for joy of heart. Isaiah 65:14


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns for Those That Seek and Those That Have Re­demp­tion 1746.

Music: Ado­ro Te Jo­seph Barn­by, 1872 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)


Messiah, joy of ev­ery heart,
Thou, thou the King of Glo­ry art!
The Fa­ther’s ev­er­last­ing Son!
Thee it de­lights Thy Church to own;
For all our hopes on Thee de­pend,
Whose glo­ri­ous mer­cies ne­ver end.

Bent to re­deem a sin­ful race,
Thou, Lord, with un­ex­am­pled grace,
Into our low­er world didst come,
And stoop to a poor vir­gin’s womb;
Whom all the hea­vens could not con­tain,
Our God ap­peared a child of man!

When Thou hadst ren­dered up Thy breath,
And dy­ing drawn the sting of death,
Thou didst from earth tri­um­phant rise,
And ope the por­tals of the skies,
That all who trust in Thee alone
Might follow, and par­take Thy throne.

Seated at God’s right hand again,
Thou dost in all His glo­ry reign,
Thou dost, Thy Fa­ther’s im­age, shine,
In all the at­trib­utes di­vine;
And Thou with judg­ment clad shalt come
To seal our ev­er­last­ing doom.

Wherefore we now for mer­cy pray;
O Sav­ior, take our sins away!
Before Thou as our judge ap­pear,
In dread­ful ma­jes­ty severe,
Appear our ad­vo­cate with God,
And save the pur­chase of Thy blood.

Hallow, and make Thy ser­vants meet,
And with Thy saints in glo­ry seat;
Sustain and bless us by Thy sway,
And keep to that tre­men­dous day,
When all Thy church shall chant above,
The new eter­nal song of love.