Scripture Verse

I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18


Neil Barham (1962–)

Words: Neil Bar­ham, 2005.

Music: Thax­ted Gus­tav T. Holst, The Pla­nets (Ju­pi­ter) 1917 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Gustav T. Holst (1874–1934)
National Portrait Gallery



Mighty God, come build Your migh­ty Church
Upon Your migh­ty Word!
In the ears of an as­tound­ed world,
Make all Your wis­dom heard!
Let Your apos­tol­ic teach­ing
Forge in us a bond of awe,
As Your peo­ple come to­ge­ther,
Seeing more than Mo­ses saw:
Not in cloud, or fie­ry pil­lar,
Come now to make us one,
But in Word made flesh come show Your­self,
Through Your Eter­nal Son!

As we praise Your name to­ge­ther
And wor­ship all You are,
By the brok­en bread of Your own flesh,
Come heal our ev­ery scar!
In a life-trans­form­ing won­der,
Enter to show forth Your name.
Come en­grave on our new hearts
This Love that You pro­claim.
Work a mi­ra­cle of fel­low­ship
Among us as we pray,
Open up our hearts to meet the needs
We lift to You to­day.

With great glad­ness and sin­ce­ri­ty
We praise our God and King,
Seeing in our tri­als and tri­umphs
His hand in ev­ery­thing.
And whe­ther this world hates us
Or whe­ther it may smile,
We will trust a so­ver­eign mer­cy
To be work­ing all the while
To aug­ment the glo­ri­ous choir
That sings in realms of end­less day
Of am­az­ing and un­bound­ed love
That ne­ver fades away.