Scripture Verse

The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh. Galatians 5:17


Irvin J. Morgan (1869–1947)

Words: Is­aac Watts, Hymns and Spir­it­ual Songs 1707–09, Book 2, num­ber 122. Re­tire­ment and me­di­ta­tion.

Music: Guard­ian Ir­ving J. Mor­gan, 1895 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Isaac Watts (1674–1748)


My God, per­mit me not to be
A stran­ger to my­self and Thee;
Amidst a thou­sand thoughts I rove,
Forgetful of my high­est love.

Why should my pas­sions mix with earth,
And thus de­base my heav’n­ly birth?
Why should I cleave to things be­low,
And let my God, my Sav­ior, go?

Call me away from flesh and sense,
One so­ver­eign word can draw me thence;
I would ob­ey the voice di­vine,
And all in­fe­ri­or joys re­sign.

Be earth with all her scenes with­drawn,
Let noise and van­ity be­gone;
In sec­ret si­lence of the mind
My heav’n, and there my God, I find.