Scripture Verse

He will swallow up death in victory. Isaiah 25:8


Words: Ef­fie Ste­vens, 1909.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ste­vens (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles H. Gabriel (1856–1932)


A vic­tor, migh­ty vic­tor,
The Lord of Heav’n arose,
From death’s en­dur­ing pri­son,
Triumphant o’er His foes;
He rose to life and glo­ry,
That He might ban­ish fear
From ev­ery heart that, lov­ing,
Draws to His pre­sence near.


A vic­tor, migh­ty vic­tor,
Our Lord arose this day;
That He might lead us on­ward,
Within His bless­èd way.

A vic­tor, migh­ty vic­tor,
Christ rose that East­er day;
’Twas all for us He suf­fered,
That we might learn His way;
He rose to fill with glad­ness
Each ach­ing, sin­ful heart,
He rose to com­fort sor­row,
To bid des­pair de­part.


A vic­tor, migh­ty vic­tor,
The Lord of Heav’n arose,
That we, too, might be ris­en
Triumphant o’er earth’s woes;
So let us join in sing­ing
Our praise to Christ, whose love
Prepares for us a dwell­ing
With Him in Heav’n above.
