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Scripture Verse

They shall be as mighty men…and they shall fight, because the Lord is with them. Zechariah 10:5


John H. Hopkins, Jr.

Words & Mu­sic: John H. Hop­kins, Jr., Car­ols, Hymns and Songs (New York: Church Book De­po­si­to­ry, 1863), pag­es 30–31, alt. (🔊 ).


Moses clave the sea in twain,
The wa­ters did like walls re­main,
While through its cor­al groves, dry shod,
Marched on the chos­en tribes of God.
Pharaoh’s ar­mies dared the path,
But waves o’er­whelmed with God’s deep wrath,
While Is­ra­el’s hosts sang loud and free,
To Him who tri­umphed glo­ri­ous­ly.


Thus Christ arose,
A migh­ty con­quer­or, o’er all our foes,
Forever and ev­er­more, hal­le­lu­jah.

Samson, when the sun went down,
Invaded Ga­za’s god­less town;
His foes all night await their prey,
While bound by sin and death he lay;
Midnight sees the he­ro ris’n;
The gates and bars that formed his pris’n,
Swift from the mass­ive wall he tears,
And up the hill in tri­umph bears.


Jonah calmed the rag­ing sea,
When swal­lowed by the fish was he;
From out the pit of deep­est hell,
He prayed the God of Is­ra­el.
Risen from that liv­ing tomb,
With new­born power, be­hold him come,
While Ni­ne­veh’s thou­sands, young and old,
Melt at the charm­ing of his tongue.


Daniel, in the li­ons’ den,
Was thrown, at eve, by cru­el men;
They sealed the stone, but an­gels came
And made the roar­ing lions tame.
Free among the dead was he,
And rose at morn vic­tor­ious­ly;
While all his fu­ri­ous foes were found
Twice dead be­fore they touched the ground.


Thus the migh­ty men of old
Our Je­su’s vic­to­ries fore­told;
By migh­ty deeds they dim­ly showed
The migh­ti­er deeds of Christ, our God;
Deeds of val­or, too, be ours,
With bold­er hearts, and nob­ler pow­ers,
For babes, in Christ, can now do more
Than all the migh­ty men of yore.
