Scripture Verse

I heard…the voice of a great multitude. Revelation 19:6


James Montgomery
National Portrait Gallery

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Words: James Mont­go­me­ry, Po­eti­cal Works, 1841. Ev­en­ing Song for the Sab­bath-Day.

Music: Hu­ron The Sab­bath Hymn and Tune Book (New York & Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ma­son Bro­thers & J. E. Til­ton, 1859), page 20 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Millions with­in Thy courts have met,
Millions this day be­fore Thee bowed;
Their face Zion-ward were set,
Vows with their lips to Thee they vowed;

But Thou, soul-search­ing God! hast known
The hearts of all that bent the knee,
And hast ac­cept­ed those alone,
In spir­it and truth, that wor­shiped Thee.

People of ma­ny a tribe and tongue,
Men of strange co­lors, cli­mates, lands,
Have heard Thy truth, Thy glo­ry sung,
And of­fered prayer with ho­ly hands.

Still, as the light of morn­ing broke
O’er is­lands, con­ti­nent, or deep,
Thy far-spread fa­mi­ly awoke,
Sabbath all round the world to keep.

From east to west, the sun sur­veyed,
From north to south, ad­or­ing throngs;
And still, where ev­en­ing stretched her shade,
The stars came out to hear their songs.

Harmonious as the wind and seas,
In hal­cy­on hours when storms are flown,
Arose earth’s Ba­bel lang­uag­es,
In pure ac­cord­ance to the throne.

Not an­gel trum­pets sound more clear,
Nor el­ders’ harps, nor ser­aphs’ lays,
Yield sweet­er mu­sic to Thine ear
Than hum­ble pray­er and thank­ful praise.

And not a pray­er, a tear, a sigh,
Hath failed this day some suit to gain;
To those in trou­ble, Thou wert nigh,
Not one hath sought Thy face in vain.

Thy poor were boun­ti­ful­ly fed,
Thy chast­ened sons have kissed the rod,
Thy mourn­ers have been com­fort­ed,
The pure in heart have seen their God.

Yet one pray­er more! and be it one,
In which both Heav’n and earth ac­cord;
Fulfill Thy pro­mise to Thy Son,
Let all that breathe call Je­sus Lord.