Scripture Verse

Now we see but a poor reflection…then we shall see face to face. 1 Corinthians 13:12


George Cooper (1840–1927)

Words: George Coop­er, in Gos­pel Me­lo­dies, ed­it­ed by Har­ris­on Mil­lard (New York: S. Y. Gor­don & Son, 1884), num­ber 470.

Music: Har­ris­on Mil­lard (🔊 pdf nwc).

Harrison Millard


Yonder’s the land where the loved ones are,
Soon will the mist roll away!
Joy soon to rest in that realm afar,
Soon will the mist roll away!
There in the lov­ing smile of Christ to abide,
Visions of glo­ry day by day!
Faith fond­ly whis­pers while in sha­dows we hide,
Soon will the mist roll away!


Yonder’s the land where the loved ones are,
Soon will the mist roll away!
Joy soon to rest in that realm afar,
Soon will the mist roll away!

Dark looms the path, but the pro­mise heed,
Soon will the mist roll away!
Jesus alone can re­lieve thy need,
Soon will the mist roll away!
Clear will the pur­pose of the Lord be to thee,
Hasten the Mas­ter to ob­ey;
Blissful the vi­sion that be­yond we shall see,
Soon will the mist roll away!


Bear thou the cross till the crown is won,
Soon will the mist roll away!
Work till the will of the Lord be done,
Soon will the mist roll away!
All will be re­con­ciled to thee by and by,
Faith guid­eth on to per­fect day;
Soon shall the glo­ry dawn up­on ev­ery eye,
Soon will the mist roll away!
