Scripture Verse

Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy. Leviticus 20:7


Calvin Laufer (1874–1938)

Words: Cal­vin W. Lau­fer, 1918.

Music: Lit­tle­field, Cal­vin Lau­fer, 1918 (🔊 pdf nwc).


My life, dear Lord, I give to Thee
In hum­ble faith and loy­al­ty,
To be Thine own in what is planned,
And heed with joy Thy love’s com­mand.

Show me the trails that turn and climb
Through lone­ly deeps to heights sub­lime,
Yet ne­ver lose their touch with life,
Its end­less round of peace and strife.

I pray for tasks that ease the load
On oth­er hearts along the road;
And love for­giv­ing, pa­tient, tried,
To quick­en faith and hope be­side.

Gird me with light whose rays and heat
Shall blaze a path to Thy blest seat,
That halt­ing steps, no more afraid,
May reach the goals for which they’ve prayed.

O grant me grace to serve with Thee
In love un­fail­ing, pure, and free;
Guide me in trails which few have trod,
Whose wind­ing ways lead home to God.