Scripture Verse

I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. John 14:6


Garret C. Wellesley (1735–1781)
Earl of Mornington

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1749.

Music: Morn­ing­ton ar­ranged from Gar­ret C. Well­es­ley, cir­ca 1760, in Da­vid’s Harp, by Ed­ward Mill­er, 1805 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


My Lord, my truth, my way,
[originally, Je­sus, my truth, my way]
My sure, un­err­ing light,
On Thee my fee­ble steps I stay,
Which Thou wilt guide aright.

My wis­dom and my guide,
My coun­sel­or Thou art;
O ne­ver let me leave Thy side,
Or from Thy paths de­part!

I lift my eyes to Thee,
Thou gra­cious, bleed­ing Lamb,
That I may now en­light­ened be,
And ne­ver put to shame.

Never will I re­move
Out of Thy hands my cause;
But rest in Thy re­deem­ing love,
And hang up­on Thy cross.

Teach me the hap­py art
In all things to de­pend
On Thee; O ne­ver, Lord, de­part,
But love me to the end!

Still stir me up to strive
With Thee in strength di­vine;
And ev­ery moment, Lord, revive
This faint­ing soul of mine.

Persist to save my soul
Throughout the fie­ry hour,
Till I am ev­ery whit made whole,
And show forth all Thy pow­er.

Through fire and wa­ter bring
Into the weal­thy place;
And teach me the new song to sing,
When per­fect­ed in grace.

O make me all like Thee,
Before I hence re­move!
Settle, con­firm, and stab­lish me,
And build me up in love.

Let me Thy wit­ness live,
When sin is all de­stroyed;
And then my spot­less soul re­ceive,
And take me home to God.