Scripture Verse

Nicodemus said to Him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? John 3:4


Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1999 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: St. Chris­to­pher Fred­er­ick C. Mak­er, in the Bris­tol Tune Book, 1881 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mak­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Susan Peterson


A man named Ni­co­de­mus
To Je­sus came one night.
He said, We know You’ve come from God;
Your won­ders show His might.

In an­swer, Je­sus did de­clare,
Give heed, these words are true:
You can­not see God’s king­dom come
Unless you’re born anew.

Then Ni­co­de­mus quest­ioned,
Reborn, how can this be?
For sure­ly none can to the womb
Return and new life see.

Jesus re­plied, Flesh brings forth flesh,
But like the blow­ing wind,
The Spir­it does give birth to spir­it;
Thus man is born again.

As Mo­ses in the de­sert
Did lift the snake up high,
The Son of Man must be raised up
That men might live, not die.
For God so loved this world of men,
He gave His Son for us,
That we might have eter­nal life,
If we in Him do trust.

God did not send His Son to
Condemn the world of sin.
Christ came in­stead to save all those
Who place their trust in Him.
All who be­lieve es­cape God’s wrath;
They come in­to the light.
But all who prac­tice ev­il deeds
Are guil­ty in God’s sight.

Without the Son, all per­ish;
The ver­dict is de­creed.
All those who fail to trust Christ’s name
Condemned will ev­er be.
Lord, give me bold­ness to pro­claim
Your mes­sage to the lost,
That they might gain eter­nal life
By look­ing to the cross.

Jesus and Nicodemus, Providence
Lithograph Company, 1904
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