Scripture Verse

A better country, that is, a heavenly one. Hebrews 11:16


Words: Will­iam A. Dun­ker­ley, 1908. Some hym­nals give the au­thor as John Ox­en­ham, Dun­ker­ley’s pseu­do­nym.

Music: Lon­don­der­ry Ir­ish tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

William A. Dunkerley (1852–1941)
National Portrait Gallery

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My own dear land, wher­e’er my foot­steps wan­der,
Ever to thee my heart still turns again;
To thee my love grows ev­er fond­er, fond­er,
Till in its might it is akin to pain.
Ever to thee I’m bound in love and du­ty;
No dear­er land to me in all the earth;
By all sweet ties of home and love and beau­ty,
To thee I cleave, dear land that gave me birth.

Yet I look on, be­yond earth’s ha­bi­ta­tion,
To where a home of rar­er vi­sion gleams,
Fairer than earth’s most won­der­ful cre­ation
Bathed in the light of Heav’n’s own morn­ing beams.
There we shall meet, from ev­ery clime and na­tion,
There we shall meet in an­swer to the call,
There we shall meet in joy­ous con­se­cra­tion,
Sons of one Fa­ther, bro­thers one and all.