Scripture Verse

Behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me. Revelation 22:12


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in Heart and Voice, ed­it­ed by Will­iam F. Sher­win (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio & New York: John Church, 1881), pag­es 32–33.

Music: James R. Mur­ray (🔊 pdf nwc).

James R. Murray (1841–1905)


The morning light is surely growing brighter,
The star of Bethlehem, how pure its gentle ray;
The gloomy sky is growing clearer, lighter,
And soon will dawn the blessèd, perfect day.
At last the veil for us is rent asunder,
The Spir­it speaketh as it ne­ver spake before;
We see and hear, we feel a thrill of wonder,
To find the Mas­ter knocking at the door.

Ho! every one that thirsteth, take the waters!
Behold the precious bread of life for all that will;
The Fount of Righteousness, O sons and daughters,
Your longing, hungry thirsting souls can fill.
Come unto Him, all ye that toil and labor,
And ye who are with heavy loads of sin oppressed;
Now learn to serve the Lord and love thy neighbor,
And He will give your weary spirits rest.

The time foretold is daily drawing nearer,
When Christ will show us plainly of the Fa­ther’s love;
And saints His will, with vision growing clearer,
Shall do on earth as done in Heav’n above.
See now the waiting harvest standing thickly,
And lo! the Mas­ter is the Prince of Bethlehem;
Make rea­dy all! behold He cometh quickly,
To garner for the New Je­ru­sa­lem!