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Scripture Verse

He is risen. Matthew 28:6


Words & Mu­sic: Frank Sew­all, in The Wel­come (New York: New Church Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1876), page 70 (🔊 ).

Frank Sewall (1837–1915)

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Morn of joy and morn of praise!
Brightest day of all the days,
For the Lord is ris­en, is ris­en!
Lo! they come at break of day,
Find the great stone rolled away;
Hark! and hear the an­gel say,
The Lord, the Lord is ris­en, is ris­en.


Alleluia! Al­le­lu­ia!
Alleluia! Al­le­lu­ia!

Morn of glad­ness, morn of light!
Fear and gloom are put to flight,
For the Lord is ris­en, is ris­en!
Now no more the grave we fear,
For we know He is not here;
But the an­gel speaks good cheer,
The Lord, the Lord is ris­en, is ris­en.


O, what bright­ness from the Lord,
Shines with­in His bless­èd Word,
For the Lord is ris­en, is ris­en!
Telling of the world of light,
Where there is no death nor night,
Where, on East­er morn­ing bright,
The Lord, the Lord is ris­en, is ris­en.


Thither, too, O may we rise,
When this earth­ly body dies,
Where our Lord is ris­en, is ris­en!
Strive we, then, in each new day,
All that’s wrong to put away;
So shall we re­joic­ing say,
The Lord, the Lord is ris­en, is ris­en.
