He is risen.
Matthew 28:6
Words & Music: Frank Sewall, in The Welcome (New York: New Church Board of Publication, 1876), page 70 (🔊
Morn of joy and morn of praise!
Brightest day of all the days,
For the Lord is risen, is risen!
Lo! they come at break of day,
Find the great stone rolled away;
Hark! and hear the angel say,
The Lord, the Lord is risen, is risen.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Morn of gladness, morn of light!
Fear and gloom are put to flight,
For the Lord is risen, is risen!
Now no more the grave we fear,
For we know He is not here
But the angel speaks good cheer,
The Lord, the Lord is risen, is risen.
O, what brightness from the Lord,
Shines within His blessèd Word,
For the Lord is risen, is risen!
Telling of the world of light,
Where there is no death nor night,
Where, on Easter morning bright,
The Lord, the Lord is risen, is risen.
Thither, too, O may we rise,
When this earthly body dies,
Where our Lord is risen, is risen!
Strive we, then, in each new day,
All that’s wrong to put away;
So shall we rejoicing say,
The Lord, the Lord is risen, is risen.