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Scripture Verse

The smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God. Revelation 8:4


Words & Mu­sic: James Reed, in The Ho­san­na (New York: New Church Press, 1920) (🔊 ).

James Reed (1834–1921)


Thankful for the morn­ing light,
Shining ov­er earth and sea;
Thankful for the gift of sight
O Fa­ther, Lord, to Thee.
To Thee with all the heart I pray,
Now at the dawn­ing of the day;
I know Thou hast me in Thy care,
And Thou wilt hear my pray­er.

Thankful for the pow­er to hear;
Thankful for the pow­er to speak;
Lord, to Thee I bend my ear,
Thy holy face I seek,
To Thee my ear­li­est thoughts are giv’n,
Like in­cense, may they rise to Heav’n;
And from Thee thence a bless­ing bear,
In an­swer to my pray­er.

Thanks I give for strength and health,
Making all my pulses leap;
Greater boon than bound­less wealth
Is wak­ing out of sleep.
Content and glad for each new day,
O Fa­ther, Lord, to Thee I pray;
I pray to Heav’n for Thou art there;
And Thou art ev­ery­where.

Greatest boon is heart of love;
May at length this heart be mine;
Lord, Thou send­est from above
Thy love and truth di­vine.
And they shall purge the will­ing soul
Of earth­ly ills, and make it whole;
For Thou didst come those ills to bear,
And canst not spurn my pray­er.

Morning Prayers
Martin von Molitor (1759–1812)