Effectual fervent prayer…availeth much.
James 5:16
Words & Music: Elisha A. Hoffman, 1887 (🔊
As the shadows of evening
Are closing me round,
And I’m sitting so silently here,
Sad and lone is my heart,
For I’m thinking of home,
And the cherished ones who linger there.
A voice I can hear
From the cottage ascend,
To the Lord, with so tender a plea;
’Tis the voice of my mother,
Its sweetness I know,
Yes, my mother is praying for me.
My mother is praying for me,
My mother is praying for me;
’Tis the voice of my mother,
Its sweetness I know,
Yes, my mother is praying for me.
There was once a fond place
In that circle for me,
How the thought brings a tear to my eye!
It was next to my mother,
Who loved me so well,
I was dearest, in those days gone by;
But I knew not the worth of
That kind mother’s love,
Nor how strong such affection could be;
And alas! like a prodigal
Wandered away,
While my mother was praying for me.
That dear mother is now
At the throne humbled low,
And she weeps for her son far away;
And she’s pleading, as only
A fond mother can,
For the prodigal now gone astray;
Her tears, as they fall, like
The drops of the rain,
Rise to God in importunate plea,
As she bends at the altar
Of mercy, where oft
We together had bended the knee.
O Thou Father of mercies,
Dispenser of grace,
Hear the prayer I am offering now,
And forgive my heart-wandr’ings,
And pardon my sin:
In contrition at Thy feet I bow.
No longer from love such
As Thine can I turn,
No longer I’ll wander from Thee,
Forgive me, and answer
In mercy the prayer
That my mother is praying for me.