Scripture Verse

An anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Hebrews 6:19


Rufus Cornelius

Words: Will­iam C. Mar­tin, in Mes­sen­ger of Song, ed­it­ed by Ru­fus Cor­ne­li­us (Mid­lo­thi­an, Tex­as: R. H. Cor­ne­li­us, 1912).

Music: Gai­thers­burg Ru­fus H. Cor­ne­li­us (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Martin (1864–1914)



My life is like a stor­my sea,
Where oft the gales sweep ov­er me;
But when the bil­lows wild­ly roll,
I have an an­chor for my soul.


A migh­ty an­chor holds me fast
In ev­ery wild and stor­my blast;
My hope is sure, I am se­cure,
My an­chor holds me fast.

When thro’ the dark and trou­bled night,
I fail to see the har­bor light,
I lift a pray­er above the gale,
And trust the pow­er that cannot fail.


Tho’ ma­ny wrecks may strew the shore,
And souls go down to rise no more,
My soul shall live till storms are past:
A migh­ty an­chor holds me fast.


The sum­mer­time is draw­ing near,
And soon the skies will all be clear;
And in a peace­ful port at last,
My pre­cious an­chor shall be cast.
