Scripture Verse

Those that seek me early shall find me. Proverbs 8:17


John B. Herbert (1852–1927)

Words: Is­aac Watts, Di­vine and Mo­ral Songs 1715.

Music: La­fay­ette John B. Her­bert, 1890 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Isaac Watts (1674–1748)


My God, who makes the sun to know
His pro­per hour to rise;
And to give light to all be­low,
Doth send him round the skies!

When from the cham­bers of the east
His morn­ing race begins,
He nev­er tires, nor stops to rest,
But round the world he shines.

So, like the sun, would I ful­fill
The bu­si­ness of the day;
Begin my work be­times, and still
March on my heav’n­ly way.

Give me, O Lord, Thy ear­ly grace,
Nor let my soul com­plain
That the young morn­ing of my day
Has all been spent in vain!