Scripture Verse

My heart is inditing a good matter. Psalm 45:1


Words: From The Psalms, New­ly Pa­ra­phrased for the Ser­vice of the Sanc­tu­ary, by Jo­seph P. Bar­trum (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Rus­sell, Os­borne & Com­pa­ny, 1833), page 56.

Music: Pres­by­ter Wal­ter O. Wil­kin­son, 1895 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Bar­trum or Wil­kin­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


My heart a bliss­ful theme in­dites;
Rehearse, my lips the song!
A love­ly gift, the gift of Hea­ven,
Impels the strain along.

See where, amid a smil­ing train,
The mod­est bride­groom stands;
Exulting to comp­lete his love,
In wed­lock’s sac­red bands!

Be his, the el­oq­uence of truth,
The ten­der­ness of soul!
With vir­tue bright be ev­ery scene,
Long as the years shall roll!

Fair maid­en! now from home es­tranged,
And charms which none for­get,
Accept the hand that wipes thy tears,
And soft­ens thy re­gret!

Nor deem thy much loved par­ents lost;
Yet blooms a bright­er joy;
United hearts, do­mes­tic bliss,
And cares that ne­ver cloy!

Confirm, in Hea­ven, our bless­ings, Lord!
On this new wed­ded pair!
To them be Thou a glo­ri­ous throne,
And hear their mu­tu­al pray­er!