Scripture Verse

Thy will be done. Matthew 6:10


Charles W. Naylor (1874–1950)

Words: Charles W. Nay­lor, 1904, alt.

Music: Lim­burg Clar­ence E. Hun­ter, 1907 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hun­ter (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


I have yield­ed my­self to Thy ser­vice,
And Thy pre­sence my bos­om doth fill;
O my Sav­ior, I haste to ob­ey Thee,
And my heart says amen to Thy will.


Yes, my heart says amen to Thy will, Lord,
And I know that Thou lov­est me still,
While I bow low in hum­ble sub­mis­sion,
And my heart says amen to Thy will.

All the plea­sures of earth may be sun­dered,
So that I may Thy pur­pose ful­fill;
Help me glad­ly sub­mit and not mur­mur,
Ever say­ing amen to Thy will.


Tho’ my plans and my hopes may seem blight­ed,
I will love Thee and trust in Thee still,
For I know all is well that Thou do­est,
And my heart says amen to Thy will.


When I pass to that heav­en­ly coun­try,
And my soul with its glo­ry doth thrill,
This for­ev­er shall be my re­joic­ing,
That my heart says amen to Thy will.
