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Scripture Verse

With You is the fountain of life. Psalm 36:9


Words: Jes­sie A. Lee, 2014 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: St. Co­lum­ba, an­cient Ir­ish tune (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

Jessie A. Lee (1992–)


My Saviour, Fa­ther, Guide and Friend,
A sol­ace to the mourn­ing,
A wise Cre­at­or, pow­er­ful Hand;
A Judge to the scorn­ing.

He leads me by His lov­ing hand,
His gen­tle voice does guide me;
He vowed that He would ne’er for­sake
And al­ways walk be­side me.

When I am fright­ened He is there
To com­fort and sus­tain me.
His words give wis­dom to my ear,
And peace will al­ways claim me.

My Sav­iour has made me to go
With Him o’er plain or mount­ain;
And I will glad­ly fol­low Him,
For He is my life’s fount­ain.