Scripture Verse

My times are in Thy hand. Psalm 31:15


Eliza E. Hewitt (1851–1920)

Words: Eli­za E. Hew­itt, in Hymns That Help, ed­it­ed by Ed­mund Lo­renz (Day­ton, Ohio: Lo­renz Pub­lish­ing, 1903), num­ber 15.

Music: Ed­mund S. Lo­renz (🔊 pdf nwc).

Edmund S. Lorenz


My times are in my heav’n­ly Fa­ther’s hands,
Their change­ful scenes I should not fear;
The rea­son why, He ful­ly un­der­stands,
He will not cause a need­less tear.


My times are in His hands,
What’s best for me He un­der­stands.
I’ll ev­er trust in His un­chang­ing love,
’Twill lead me to my home above.

My times are in my heav’n­ly Fa­ther’s hands,
The joy He sends a bless­ing brings;
His light will spar­kle on life’s gold­en sands;
I’ll hide be­neath His shel­ter­ing wings.


My times are in my heav’n­ly Fa­ther’s hands,
Used for His glo­ry may they be;
Until, in that most beau­ti­ful of lands,
I’ll sing the love that cares for me.
