Scripture Verse

Humble yourselves…under the mighty hand of God…Cast all your care on Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7


Words & Mu­sic: Clar­ence B. Strouse, 1911 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Strouse (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


If you are dis­cour­aged,
In dark­ness or in doubt,
If you are down­heart­ed,
The Lord can bring you out;
Don’t give o’er the bat­tle,
The vic­to­ry you can win,
Open your heart to Hea­ven,
And the glo­ry will come in.


Open your heart to Hea­ven,
And the glo­ry will come in;
Open your heart to Hea­ven,
And the glo­ry will come in;
Tell Je­sus all your tri­als,
He’ll save you from your sin;
Open your heart to Hea­ven,
And the glo­ry will come in.

Do you long for com­fort
This world has ne­ver brought?
Do you car­ry bur­dens
Your ma­ny sins have wrought?
Take it all to Je­sus;
Your friend He’s al­ways been,
Open your heart to Hea­ven,
And the glo­ry will come in.


When you’re sore­ly tempt­ed
Because of some de­feat;
When you have fore­bod­ings,
Of tri­als you’re to meet,
Trust and do not wor­ry,
Thy faith will sure­ly win,
Open your heart to Hea­ven,
And the glo­ry will come in.


When life’s joys and sor­rows,
Its hopes and fears are o’er,
When with those we’ve la­bored,
We reach the gold­en shore,
We’ll re­joice for­ev­er,
For vic­to­ry ov­er sin,
Open your heart to Hea­ven,
And the glo­ry will come in.
