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Scripture Verse

The holy Jerusalem, descending out of Heaven from God. Revelation 21:10


Words: Adri­an Ver­meul­en-Mill­er, 2002.

Music: New Je­ru­sa­lem, me­lo­dy by Ad­ri­an Ver­meul­en-Mill­er, ha­rm­ony by Lasz­lo Go­ron (🔊 ).

Adrian Vermeulen-Miller (1934–)


I’ll see the new Je­ru­sa­lem when Christ to earth does come.
I’ll see Him then, will hear His voice, all Chris­tians will rejoice.
Of sun and moon there is no sign, God’s light o’er all will shine.
And then, when He has come with might, it nev­er will be night.

A stream of wa­ter, crys­tal clear, from His throne will appear.
An end to strug­gle and all strife, that wa­ter brings new life.
The tree of life brings forth its fruits, on ev­er grow­ing shoots.
With praise and mu­sic in the air, no thirst or hun­ger there.

And all who served Him, with Him reign, now free from sin and stain.
How fa­thom­less, dear Lord, the love, come to us from above.
That caught in bond­age, fraught with strife, You bring eter­nal life!
One day, on Your eter­nal shore, we’ll praise You ev­er­more.