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Scripture Verse

The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Romans 13:12


Thomas Kelly (1769–1855)

Words: Tho­mas Kel­ly, 1836, alt.

Music: Ne­bras­ka, at­trib­ut­ed to Jo­hann M. Hay­dn (1737–1806) (🔊 ).

Johann Haydn (1737–1806)


The night is far spent,
The day is at hand;
Already the dawn
May be seen in the sky;
Rejoice then, ye saints,
’Tis your Lord’s own com­mand;
Rejoice, for the com­ing
Of Je­sus draws nigh.

How bright it will be,
When Je­sus ap­pears!
How wel­come to those
Who have shared in His cross!
A crown in­cor­rupt­ible
Then will be theirs,
A rich com­pen­sa­tion
For suf­fer­ing and loss.

Affliction is light
Compared to the day
Of glo­ry that then
Will from Heav­en be re­vealed!
The Sav­ior is com­ing,
His peo­ple may say,
The Lord whom we look for,
Our sun and our shield.

O par­don us, Lord,
That love to Thy name
Is faint, with so much
Our af­fect­ions to move!
Our dead­ness shall fill us
With grief and with shame,
So much to be loved
And so lit­tle to love!

O kin­dle with­in
Us ho­ly de­sire,
Like that which was found
In Thy peo­ple of old!
Who felt all Thy love,
And whose hearts were on fire,
While wait­ing in pa­tience
Thy face to be­hold!