Scripture Verse

I have called you friends. John 15:15


Words & Mu­sic: Ro­bert Hark­ness, 1920 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Robert Harkness


On life’s path­way I am ne­ver lonely,
My Lord is with me, my Lord di­vine;
Ever pre­sent guide, I trust Him on­ly,
No long­er lone­ly, for He is mine.


No longer lone­ly, no long­er lone­ly,
For Je­sus is the friend of friends to me;
No long­er lone­ly, no long­er lone­ly,
For Je­sus is the friend of friends to me.

I shall not be lone­ly in my sor­row,
He will sus­tain me un­til the end;
Darkest night He turns to bright­est mor­row,
No long­er lone­ly! He is my friend.


I shall not be lone­ly in the val­ley
Tho’ sha­dows ga­ther, I will not fear;
He has pro­mised ev­er to up­hold me,
No long­er lone­ly! He will be near.
