If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.
Luke 9:23
Words: Fanny Crosby, 1910.
Music: John R. Sweney (🔊
No cross for me, O blessèd Lord and Savior?
No cross for me, when Thou Thine own didst bear,
At midnight hour within the garden kneeling,
While pitying stars beheld Thy anguish there.
There is a cross, and gladly I accept it;
There is a warfare with a host of sin;
But Thou has oped the gate of life eternal,
And Thou wilt let Thine own dear children in.
No cross for me, when Thou the King of glory,
The Well-Beloved, the Father’s only Son,
Didst with Thy blood atone for all transgressions?
For Thou hast tasted death for ev’ry one.
No cross for me? shall I on Pisgah’s mountain
Content abide, from care and trial free?
Ah, no, but thro’ the wilderness of sorrow,
Tho’ pierced with thorns, my feet shall follow Thee!
Take up the cross if thou art My disciple!
Deep in my soul I hear Thy words of love:
Take up the cross, and when the war is over,
Home, rest, and crown, with endless joy above!