Scripture Verse

The glory which Thou gavest Me I have given them; that they may be one, even as We are one. John 17:22


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: Hen­ry J. van Dyke, Thy Sea Is Great, Our Boat Is Small (New York: Flem­ing H. Re­vell, 1922), pag­es 19–20.

Music: Al­ford John B. Dykes, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Henry J. Van Dyke


No form of hu­man fram­ing,
No bond of out­ward might,
Can bind Thy Church to­ge­ther, Lord,
And all her flocks unite;
But, Je­sus, Thou hast told us
How uni­ty must be:
Thou art with God the Fa­ther one,
And we are one in Thee.

The mind that is in Je­sus
Will guide us into truth,
The hum­ble, op­en, joy­ful mind
Of ev­er-learn­ing youth;
The heart that is in Je­sus
Will lead us out of strife,
The giv­ing and for­giv­ing heart
That fol­lows love in life.

Wherever men ad­ore Thee,
Our souls with them would kneel;
Wherever men im­plore Thy help,
Their trou­ble we would feel;
And where men do Thy ser­vice,
Though know­ing not Thy sign,
Our hand is with them in good work,
For they are al­so Thine.

Forgive us, Lord, the fol­ly
That quar­rels with Thy friends,
And draw us near­er to Thy heart,
Where ev­ery dis­cord ends;
Thou art the crown of man­hood,
And Thou of God the Son;
O Mas­ter of our ma­ny lives,
In Thee our life is one.