Scripture Verse

Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. Revelation 19:9


Ina D. Ogdon (1872–1964)

Words: Ina D. Og­don, in Songs of Re­vi­val Pow­er, ed­it­ed by Ed­mund Lo­renz (Day­ton, Ohio: Lo­renz, 1907), num­ber 4.

Music: Ed­mund S. Lo­renz (🔊 pdf nwc).

Edmund S. Lorenz (1854–1942)


The theme of ab­sent friends and loved ones ech­oes the Am­eri­can ci­vil war bal­lad The Va­cant Chair, by Hen­ry S. Wash­burn.

Washburn’s song was enor­mous­ly po­pu­lar in the late 1800s, and ma­ny ci­vil war vet­er­ans were liv­ing in 1907, when Og­don’s words no doubt brought the bal­lad to mind.

The Va­cant Chair was still re­mem­bered ev­en a cen­tu­ry af­ter the war: It ap­peared in the Am­eri­can te­le­vi­sion pro­gram The An­dy Grif­fith Show on Feb­ru­ary 17, 1964, with sher­iff Andy Tay­lor (An­dy Grif­fith) and de­pu­ty Bar­ney Fife (Don Knotts) sing­ing it in the town jail.


Hear the gra­cious in­vi­ta­tion,
From the roy­al house of God,
Unto all of ev­ery na­tion,
Signed and sealed by Je­sus’ blood;
Lo! the wed­ding feast is wait­ing,
Let us hast­en to pre­pare;
Let us waste no time de­bat­ing,
Let there be no va­cant chair.


Let there be no va­cant chair!
Let us one and all be there!
Lo! the wed­ding feast is rea­dy,
Let there be no va­cant chair.

Let us robe in snowy white­ness
For that great and hap­py day;
Tune our hearts to songs of bright­ness,
Bid our trou­bles flee away;
There shall ne­ver­more be sor­row,
There shall ne­ver­more be night;
At the fes­tal board to­mor­row,
Shall be naught but pure de­light.


Many friends are there to meet us
In re­deemed, im­mor­tal state;
They are press­ing forth to greet us,
As we’re sweep­ing thro’ the gate;
Hear the lov­ing Fa­ther plead­ing,
Lo! the feast awaits us there;
Oh, His bless­èd sum­mons heed­ing,
Let there be no va­cant chair.
