Scripture Verse

Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. Revelation 19:9


Ina D. Ogdon

Words: Ina D. Og­don, in Songs of Re­vi­val Pow­er, ed­it­ed by Ed­mund Lo­renz (Day­ton, Ohio: Lo­renz & Com­pa­ny, 1907), num­ber 4.

Music: Ed­mund S. Lo­renz (🔊 pdf nwc).

Edmund S. Lorenz


The theme of ab­sent friends and loved ones ech­oes the Am­er­i­can ci­vil war bal­lad The Va­cant Chair, by Hen­ry S. Wash­burn.

Wash­burn’s song was enor­mous­ly pop­u­lar in the late 1800s, and ma­ny ci­vil war vet­er­ans were liv­ing in 1907, when Og­don’s words no doubt brought the bal­lad to mind.

The Va­cant Chair was still re­mem­bered ev­en a cen­tu­ry af­ter the war: It ap­peared in the Am­er­i­can tel­e­vi­sion pro­gram The An­dy Grif­fith Show on Feb­ru­a­ry 17, 1964, with sher­iff Andy Tay­lor (An­dy Grif­fith) and de­pu­ty Bar­ney Fife (Don Knotts) sing­ing it in the town jail.


Hear the gracious invitation,
From the royal house of God,
Unto all of every nation,
Signed and sealed by Jesus’ blood;
Lo! the wedding feast is waiting,
Let us hasten to prepare;
Let us waste no time debating,
Let there be no vacant chair.


Let there be no vacant chair!
Let us one and all be there!
Lo! the wedding feast is ready,
Let there be no vacant chair.

Let us robe in snowy whiteness
For that great and happy day;
Tune our hearts to songs of brightness,
Bid our troubles flee away;
There shall nevermore be sorrow,
There shall nevermore be night;
At the festal board tomorrow,
Shall be naught but pure delight.


Many friends are there to meet us
In redeemed, immortal state;
They are pressing forth to greet us,
As we’re sweeping thro’ the gate;
Hear the loving Father pleading,
Lo! the feast awaits us there;
Oh, His blessèd summons heeding,
Let there be no vacant chair.
