Scripture Verse

Christ…suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps. 1 Peter 2:21


Words: S. Childs Clarke, in The Child­ren’s Hymn Book, by Fran­ces E. Brock, 1881.

Music: Up­ton Pyne Fred­er­ick A. J. Her­vey, 1883 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Frederick A. J. Hervey (1846–1910)


Now a new year op­ens,
Now we new­ly turn
To the Ho­ly Sav­ior,
Lessons fresh to learn.

This the ho­ly les­son
On the year’s first day,
Jesus by obe­di­ence
Teaches to ob­ey.

Of Thy cross thus ear­ly
Tokens Thou dost give;
By Thy wounds Thou heal­est,
By Thy death we live.

Not to suf­fer on­ly,
Jesus, didst Thou come,
But to leave us way-marks
Pointing to our home.

In Thy bless­èd foot­steps
Ever may we tread,
Safe when keep­ing near Thee,
By Thy Spir­it led.