Scripture Verse

I am the Bread of life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry. John 6:35


Ray Palmer (1808–1887)

Words: Maintz­ich Ge­sang­buch, 1661 (O Es­ca via­to­rum). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Ray Pal­mer in the Sab­bath Hymn Book, 1858, num­ber 1051.

Music: Fes­tum Dei Will­iam W. Gil­christ, 1895 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William W. Gilchrist (1846–1916)


O bread to pil­grims given,
O food that an­gels eat,
O man­na sent from Hea­ven,
For Heav’n-born na­tures meet,
Give us, for Thee long pin­ing,
To eat till rich­ly filled;
Till, earth’s de­lights re­sign­ing,
Our ev­ery wish is stilled.

O Wa­ter, life-be­stow­ing,
Forth from the Sav­ior’s heart,
A fount­ain pure­ly flow­ing,
A fount of love Thou art:
O let us, free­ly tast­ing,
Our burn­ing thirst as­suage;
Thy sweet­ness, ne­ver wast­ing,
Avails from age to age.

Jesus, this feast re­ceiv­ing,
We Thee un­seen adore;
Thy faith­ful word be­liev­ing,
We take, and doubt no more;
Give us, Thou true and lov­ing,
On earth to live in Thee;
Then, death the veil re­mov­ing,
Thy glo­ri­ous face to see.