Scripture Verse

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40


Maltbie D. Babcock

Words & Mu­sic: Malt­bie D. Bab­cock, 1899 (🔊 pdf nwc).


O blessèd Sav­ior, Lord of love,
Leaving for us Thy home above,
How can we show our love to Thee
When Thy dear face we cannot see?


Smile with the glad, grieve with the sad,
Gentle, and thought­ful, and lov­ing be;
Friendly in need, and kind in deed;
I count it all as done to Me.

All of our gifts have come from Hea­ven,
Our home and friends Thy love has giv­en;
If we could see Thy bless­èd face,
How should we thank Thee for Thy grace?


Heathen upon the dist­ant shore,
Hungry and needy at our door,
Sinning and suf­fer­ing ev­ery­where,
Thou hast com­mit­ted to our care.


Humbly we thank Thee, bless­èd Lord,
For this the com­fort of Thy word,
When thou a lov­ing deed dost see,
Lo, ye have done it un­to Me.
