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Scripture Verse

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs 14:34


R. Stanley Weir (1856–1926)

Words: Adolphe-Ba­sile Rou­thi­er, 1880. Trans­lated from French to Eng­lish by R. Stan­ley Weir, 1908. In 1968, a joint com­mit­tee of the Ca­na­di­an Se­nate and House of Com­mons amend­ed Weir’s text to in­clude the words, God keep our land. On Ju­ly 1, 1980, Gov­er­nor Ge­ne­ral Ed­ward Schrey­er pro­claimed the Act re­cog­niz­ing this as the of­fi­cial na­tion­al an­them of Ca­na­da.

Music: O Ca­na­da Ca­li­xa La­val­lée, 1880. Har­mo­ny ed­it­ed by Will­iam S. Ding­man (🔊 ).

Calixa Lavallée (1841–1891)


O Ca­na­da! Our home and na­tive land!
True pa­tri­ot love in all thy sons com­mand.
With glow­ing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Ca­na­da,
We stand on guard for thee.


God keep our land glo­ri­ous and free!
O Ca­na­da, we stand on guard for thee.
O Ca­na­da, we stand on guard for thee.

O Ca­na­da! Where pines and ma­ples grow,
Great prair­ies spread and lord­ly riv­ers flow,
How dear to us thy broad do­main,
From East to West­ern Sea,
Thou land of hope for all who toil!
Thou True North, strong and free!


O Ca­na­da! Be­neath thy shin­ing skies
May stal­wart sons and gen­tle maid­ens rise,
To keep thee stead­fast through the years
From East to West­ern Sea,
Our own be­lov­ed na­tive land!
Our True North, strong and free!


Ruler Su­preme, who hear­est hum­ble pray­er,
Hold our do­min­ion in Thy lov­ing care;
Help us to find, O God, in Thee
A last­ing, rich re­ward,
As, wait­ing for the bet­ter day,
We ev­er stand on guard.
