Joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5
Words: Fanny Crosby, 1886. Published in Gospel Hymns No. 5, edited by Ira Sankey, James McGranahan & George C. Stebbins (New York; Chicago, Illinois and Cincinnati, Ohio: John Church and Biglow & Main, 1887), number 8.
Music: Cook Islands Ira D. Sankey (🔊
During the summer of 1886, Fanny Crosby was my guest at Northfield [Massachusetts]. One day I composed this tune and said to her:
Why not write a poem for this tune to-night?The spirit of poetry did not seem to be upon her, and she answered:
No, I cannot do it at present.The following day we went for a drive, and expected her to go with us, but to our astonishment, she asked to be excused, saying that she had something she wished to do.After we had gone, a number of students came in and had a pleasant chat with Fanny Crosby, and after they had gone she sat down at the piano and played my tune over, and the words of the hymn came to her as they now stand. Upon our return she hastened to meet us, and recited the verses to me.
Fanny Crosby spent eight summers with us at Northfield, and on a recent visit here she told me that some of her happiest days were those at Northfield, and, referring to this hymn, she said she knew that she had been permitted to do a little good there. She also told me that she knew that many a poor soul had been comforted by this simple hymn.
Sankey, pp. 333–34
O child of God, wait patiently
When dark thy path may be,
And let thy faith lean trustingly
On Him who cares for Thee;
And though the clouds hang drearily
Upon the brow of night,
Yet in the morning joy will come,
And fill thy soul with light.
O child of God, He loveth thee,
And thou art all His own;
With gentle hand He leadeth thee,
Thou dost not walk alone;
And though thou watchest wearily
The long and stormy night,
Yet in the morning joy will come,
And fill thy soul with light.
O child of God, how peacefully
He calms thy fears to rest,
And draws thee upward tenderly,
Where dwell the pure and blest;
And He who bendeth silently
Above the gloom of night,
Will take thee home where endless joy
Shall fill thy soul with light.