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Scripture Verse

This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Ephesians 5:32


Words: Jo­shua F. Drake, 2005 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Schultz Josh­ua F. Drake, 2005 (pub­lic do­main) (🔊 ).

Joshua F. Drake (1979–)

Origin of the Hymn

The Church has suf­fered a great deal be­cause of the world’s at­tack on the home. At the time I start­ed ‘O Chris­tian Home,’ in 2005, I was en­cour­aged by a num­ber of signs point­ing to a re­newed in­terest in the Chris­tian home, as dis­tinc­tive from the world.

The key­stone, how­ev­er, to my en­cour­age­ment was my sis­ter’s mar­ri­age in Au­gust, 2005 to a God-fear­ing man who un­der­stands the Bi­ble’s com­ple­men­ta­ry view of man and wo­man. His name is Jo­shua Schultz, and thus the hymn tune is named af­ter him.

Joshua Drake


O Chris­tian home, you hum­ble place,
Where God’s own king­dom grows, by grace,
With Christ him­self as head—
In you live bold and stead­fast men
And wives who guard their hearts from sin
As both by Christ are led.

In you a man may love his bride
Enough to be her guard and guide,
And rule with ten­der heart.
And wives will glad­ly work in you
To aid the good their hus­bands do—
Delighted in their part.

For Chris­tian homes have jobs for all.
If one’s un­done, the house may fall,
Though be it help or head.
And there a child will know his place:
The seed of Ab­rah’m, marked for grace,
And loved, as our Lord said:

For such do fill the Land of God,
Where we’ll need no firm words, no rod
To put us in our place.
There hus­bands, wives, sons, daugh­ters we
Like child­ren safe at home will be,
For we are called by grace.