Christ is the head of the church.
Ephesians 5:23
Words: Hezekiah Butterworth, 1880.
Music: Rennes George F. Root, from his cantata Under the Palms, 1880 (🔊
O Church of Christ, our blest abode,
Celestial grace is thine;
Thou art the dwelling place of God,
The gate of joys divine.
Where’er for me the sun may set,
Wherever I may dwell,
My heart shall never more forget
Thy courts, Immanuel.
O Church of Christ, O Church of Christ,
I came to thee for rest,
And found it more than earthly peace,
To be Immanuel’s guest.
Whene’er I come to thee in joy,
Whene’er I come in tears,
Still at the gate called Beautiful,
My risen Lord appears.