Scripture Verse

Those who passed by hurled insults at Him, shaking their heads and saying, You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! Matthew 27:39–40


Frederick W. Faber (1814–1863)

Words: Fred­er­ick W. Fa­ber, Je­sus and Ma­ry (Lon­don: James Burns, 1849), pag­es 24–28, alt.

Music: St. Cross (Dykes) John B. Dykes, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1861 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

  • Das Lei­den des Herrn tra­di­tion­al Ger­man tune (🔊 pdf nwc)


O come and mourn with me awhile;
And tar­ry here the cross be­side;
O come, to­ge­ther let us mourn;
Jesus, our Love, is cru­ci­fied!

Have we no tears to shed for Him,
While sol­diers scoff and Jews de­ride?
Ah! look how pa­tient­ly He hangs;
Jesus, our Love, is cru­ci­fied!

How fast His hands and feet are nailed;
His bless­èd tongue with thirst is tied,
His fail­ing eyes are blind with blood:
Jesus, our Love, is cru­ci­fied!

His mo­ther can­not reach His face;
She stands in help­less­ness be­side;
Her heart is mar­tyred with her Son’s:
Jesus, our Love, is cru­ci­fied!

Seven times He spoke, se­ven words of love;
And all three hours His si­lence cried
For mer­cy on the souls of men;
Jesus, our Love, is cru­ci­fied!

What was Thy crime, my dear­est Lord?
By earth, by Hea­ven, Thou hast been tried,
And guil­ty found of too much love;
Jesus, our Love, is cru­ci­fied!

Found guil­ty of ex­cess of love,
It was Thine own sweet will that tied
Thee tight­er far than help­less nails;
Jesus, our Love, is cru­ci­fied!

Death came, and Je­sus meek­ly bowed.
His fall­ing eyes He strove to guide
With mind­ful love to Ma­ry’s face;
Jesus, our Love, is cru­ci­fied!

O break, O break, hard heart of mine!
Thy weak self-love and guil­ty pride
His Pi­late and His Ju­das were;
Jesus, our Love, is cru­ci­fied!

Come, take thy stand be­neath the cross,
And let the blood from out that side
Fall gent­ly on thee drop by drop;
Jesus, our Love, is cru­ci­fied!

A brok­en heart, a fount of tears,
Ask, and they will not be de­nied;
A brok­en heart love’s cra­dle is:
Jesus, our Love, is cru­ci­fied!

O love of God! O sin of man!
In this dread act your strength is tried;
And vic­to­ry re­mains with Love;
For He, our Love, is cru­ci­fied!

Lamentation for Christ
Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528)