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Scripture Verse

There shall be no night there…for the Lord God giveth them light. Revelation 22:5


Words: At­trib­ut­ed to Am­brose of Mi­lan, 4th Cen­tu­ry (Chris­te qui lux es et di­es). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Will­iam J. Cope­land & oth­ers in The Eng­lish Hym­nal (Lon­don: Ox­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1906), num­ber 81.

Music: Al­fre­ton, A Sup­ple­ment to the New Ver­sion of Psalms, by Na­hum Tate & Ni­cho­las Bra­dy, 1708 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

Ambrose of Milan


O Christ, who art the light and day,
Thou driv­est dark­some night away!
We know Thee as the Light of light
Illuminating mor­tal sight.

All ho­ly Lord, we pray to Thee,
Keep us to­night from dan­ger free;
Grant us, dear Lord, in Thee to rest,
So be our sleep in qui­et blest.

Let not the tempt­er round us creep
With thoughts of ev­il while we sleep,
Nor with his wiles the flesh al­lure
And make us in Thy sight im­pure.

And while the eyes soft slum­ber take,
Still be the heart to Thee awake,
Be Thy right hand up­held above
Thy ser­vants rest­ing in Thy love.

Yea, our de­fend­er, be Thou nigh,
To bid the pow­ers of dark­ness fly;
Keep us from sin, and guide for good
Thy ser­vants pur­chased by Thy blood.

Remember us, dear Lord, we pray,
While in this mor­tal flesh we stay:
’Tis Thou who dost the soul de­fend—
Be pre­sent with us to the end.

Blest Thee in One and One in Three,
Almighty God, we pray to Thee,
That Thou wouldst now vouch­safe to bless
Our fast with fruits of right­eous­ness.