Scripture Verse

It shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh. Acts 2:17


Paul Gerhardt (1607–1676)

Words: Paul Ger­hardt, 1653, cen­to (Zeuch ein zu dein­en Tor­en). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ca­the­rine Wink­worth, 1863, alt.

Music: Zeuch ein Jo­hann Crü­ger, 1653 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Johann Crüger


Oh, enter, Lord, Thy tem­ple,
Be Thou my spir­it’s guest,
Who gav­est me, the earth-born,
A se­cond birth more blest.
Thou in the God­head, Lord,
Though here to dwell Thou deign­est,
Forever eq­ual reign­est,
Art eq­ual­ly ad­ored.

Oh, ent­er, let me know Thee
And feel Thy pow­er with­in,
The power that breaks our fet­ters
And res­cues us from sin;
Oh, wash and cleanse Thou me
That I may serve Thee tru­ly
And ren­der hon­or du­ly
With per­fect heart to Thee.

Thou art, O Ho­ly Spir­it,
The true an­oint­ing oil,
Through which are con­se­crat­ed
Soul, body, rest, and toil
To Christ, whose guard­ian wings,
Where’er their lot ap­point­ed,
Protect His own anoint­ed,
His pro­phets, priests, and kings.

Thou, Ho­ly Spir­it, teach­est
The soul to pray aright;
Thy songs have sweet­est mu­sic,
Thy pray­ers have won­drous might.
Unheard they can­not fall,
They pierce the high­est heaven
Till He His help hath giv’n
Who surely helpeth all.

Thy gift is joy, O Spir­it,
Thou wouldst not have us pine;
In dark­est hours Thy com­fort
Doth ev­er bright­ly shine.
And, oh, how oft Thy voice
Hath shed its sweet­ness o’er me
And op­ened heaven be­fore me
And bid my heart re­joice!

All love is Thine, O Spir­it;
Thou hatest en­mi­ty;
Thou lovest peace and friend­ship,
All strife wouldst have us flee;
Where wrath and dis­cord reign,
Thy whis­per kind­ly plead­eth
And to the heart that heed­eth
Brings love and light again.

Our path in all things or­der
According to Thy mind,
And when this life is over
And all must be re­signed,
Oh, grant us then to die
With calm and fear­less spir­it
And af­ter death in­her­it
Eternal life on high.