Scripture Verse

Lord, Thou art God, which hast made Heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that is in them. Acts 4:24


Samuel Wesley (1810–1876)

Words: E. Mar­ga­ret Clark­son, 1980. The lyr­ics won a hymn writ­ing con­test in Chris­ti­an­ity To­day.

Music: Au­re­lia Sam­uel S. Wes­ley, in A Se­lect­ion of Psalms and Hymns, by Charles Kem­ble (Lon­don: John F. Shaw, 1864), num­ber 122 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

E. Margaret Clarkson


O Fa­ther, You are so­ver­eign
In all the worlds You made;
Your migh­ty Word was spok­en,
And light and life ob­eyed.
Your voice com­mands the sea­sons
And bounds the ocean’s shore,
Sets stars with­in their cours­es
And stills the tem­pests’ roar.

O Fa­ther, You are so­ver­eign
In all af­fairs of man;
No pow­ers of death or dark­ness
Can thwart Your per­fect plan.
All chance and change trans­cend­ing,
Supreme in time and space,
You hold your trust­ing child­ren
Secure in Your em­brace.

O Fa­ther, You are so­ver­eign
The Lord of hu­man pain,
Transmuting earth­ly sor­rows
To gold of hea­ven­ly gain,
All evil ov­er­rul­ing,
As none but Con­quer­or could,
Your love pur­sues its pur­pose—
Our souls’ eter­nal good.

O Fa­ther, You are so­ver­eign!
We see You dim­ly now,
But soon be­fore Your tri­umph
Earth’s ev­ery knee shall bow.
With this glad hope be­fore us
Our faith springs forth anew:
Our So­ver­eign Lord and Sav­ior,
We trust and wor­ship You!