Scripture Verse

Give the king Thy judgments, O God, and Thy righteousness unto the king’s son. He shall judge Thy people with righteousness, and Thy poor with judgment. Luke 14:15


Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 198.

Music: Hurs­ley Ka­tho­lisch­es Ge­sang­buch (Vi­en­na, 1774). Adapt­ed from the Me­tri­cal Psal­ter, 1855 (🔊 pdf nwc).


O God, be Thy anoint­ed Son
With truth and right­eous­ness en­dowed,
That jus­tice may on earth be done,
The meek pro­tect­ed from the proud.

Then ov­er mount­ain side and plain
Shall peace spring forth from right­eous­ness;
The poor man’s cause will He main­tain,
And save the weak, that none op­press.

Then shall Thy fear on earth be known
Long as the sun and moon shall shine;
While end­less ge­ne­ra­tions run
Kingdom and glo­ry shall be Thine.

Like co­pi­ous rain in time of dearth,
So shall His gra­cious com­ing be;
As gen­tle show­ers that cheer the earth,
So He shall bring pros­pe­ri­ty.

The just shall flour­ish in His day,
And ev­er­more shall peace ex­tend;
From sea to sea shall be His sway,
And to earth’s re­mot­est end.

The de­sert lands to Him shall bow,
And all the is­lands of the sea,
And kings with gifts shall pay their vow;
His ene­mies shall bend the knee.

In great com­pass­ion for the weak,
He ev­er will main­tain their right,
Will help the poor and save the meek;
Their lives are pre­cious in His sight.