Scripture Verse

The worlds were framed by the word of God. Hebrews 11:3


Words: Ma­ry O. Page, in Pray­ers and Hymns for the Church and the Home (Bos­ton: New Eng­land Uni­ver­sal­ist Pub­lish­ing House, 1865), num­ber 669, alt. De­di­ca­tion of a Church.

Music: Lu­ton George Bur­der, 1774 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Page (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

George Burder (1752–1832)


O God! ere Heav’n and earth were planned,
Adoring si­lence wor­shiped Thee;
Now vast the uni­verse doth stand,
The tem­ple of Thy ma­jes­ty.

Its walls are wrought of sap­phire bright;
Its count­less spires are star­ry flame:
Suns on the bound­less eth­er write
The so­ver­eign beau­ty of Thy name.

An earth­ly tem­ple, by Thy grace,
This day we de­di­cate to Thee;
Deign to make here Thy dwell­ing place
O Thou that fill’st im­men­si­ty.

Fold us be­neath Thy shel­ter­ing wings,
As here we wor­ship at Thy shrine;
Ours be the peace Thy pre­sence brings,
The glo­ry and the praise be Thine.