Scripture Verse

Gracious is the Lord. Psalm 116:5


Nikolaus Hermann (1500–1561)

Words: Har­ry T. Stock, alt.

Music: Lobt Gott ihr Chris­ten Ni­ko­laus Her­mann, 1554 (🔊 pdf nwc).


O gra­cious God, whose con­stant care
Supplies our gold­en days,
Whose joy­ous fel­low­ship we share
At work, at rest, in play and pray­er—
Accept our heart­felt praise.

We thank Thee, Fa­ther, for each word,
Each thought-re­veal­ing truth,
For pro­phet voic­es glad­ly heard,
For dar­ling dreams, for friends who stirred
The fra­gile wills of youth.

Companion of this sac­red hour,
Renew in us each day
Our lof­ty pur­pose; grant us pow­er
That wor­thy thoughts in deeds may flow­er,
In Christ­like lives, we pray.