Scripture Verse

We have sinned, and have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by departing from Thy precepts and from Thy judgments: Neither have we hearkened unto Thy servants the prophets, which spoke in Thy name to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land. Daniel 9:5–6


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns for Times of Trou­ble and Per­se­cu­tion, se­cond edi­tion, en­larged (Lon­don: Stra­han, 1744), page 3, alt.

Music: Lest We For­get George F. Blan­chard, 1898 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Blan­chard (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


O God the great, the fear­ful God,
To Thee we hum­bly sue for peace,
Groaning be­neath a na­tion’s load,
And crushed by our own wick­ed­ness
Our guilt we trem­ble to de­clare,
And pour out our sad souls in pray­er.

Thee we re­vere, the faith­ful Lord,
Keeping the co­ve­nant of Thy grace,
True to Thine ev­er­last­ing Word,
Loving to all who seek Thy face,
And keep Thy kind com­mands, and prove
Their faith by their obe­di­ent love.

But we have on­ly ev­il wrought,
Have done to our good God des­pite,
Rebellious with our mak­er fought,
And sinned against the Gos­pel light,
Departed from His right­eous ways,
And fall­en, fall­en from His grace.

We have not heark­ened to the Word
Thy pro­phets and apos­tles spoke;
In them we dis­ob­eyed their Lord:
Our princ­es have cast off the yoke,
Our kings Thy so­ver­eign will with­stood,
Our fa­thers have de­nied their God.

The rich, and poor, the high, and low,
Have tram­pled on Thy mild com­mand;
The floods of wick­ed­ness o’er­flow,
And de­luge all our guil­ty land,
People and priest lie drowned in sin,
And To­phet yawns to take us in.

Righteousness, Lord, be­longs to Thee,
But guilt to us, and foul dis­grace,
Confusion, shame, and mi­se­ry
Is due to all our faith­less race,
Scattered by sin wher­e’er we rove,
Vile re­bels ’gainst Thy par­don­ing love.

Confusion, mi­se­ry, and shame
Our loud­ly-cry­ing sins re­quire,
Our princ­es, kings, and fa­thers claim
Their por­tion in eter­nal fire,
For all the down­ward path have trod,
For all have sinned against their God.

But O, for­give­ness­es are Thine
Far above all our hearts co­nceive,
The glo­ri­ous pro­per­ty di­vine
Is still to pi­ty and for­give,
With Thee is full re­demp­tion found,
And grace doth more than sin abound.

All may in Thee our gra­cious Lord
Forgivenesses and mer­cies find,
Though we Thy warn­ings have ab­horred,
And cast Thy pre­cepts all be­hind,
The voice di­vine re­fused t’ob­ey,
And start­ed from Thy plain­est way.

All Is­rael has trans­gressed Thy law,
And there­fore did the curse take place,
Our sins did all Thy judg­ments draw
In show­ers on our de­vot­ed race,
Thou hast ful­filled Thy threat­en­ing Word,
We bear the fu­ry of the Lord.

Justly we all Thine an­ger bear,
Chastised for our ini­qui­ty,
Yet made we not our hum­ble pray­er,
Yet have we not re­turned to Thee,
Renounced our sins, or longed to prove
The truth of Thy for­giv­ing love.

Therefore the Lord, the jea­lous God
Hath watched to bring the ev­il days,
Bruised us with His aveng­ing rod,
Who would not His still voice ob­ey,
Righteous is God in all His ways:
We forced Him to with­draw His grace.

Yet now, O Lord our God, at last
Our sins and wick­ed­ness we own;
We call to mind Thy mer­cies past,
The an­cient days of Thy renown,
The won­ders Thou for us hast wrought,
The arm that out of Egypt brought.

O Lord, ac­cord­ing to Thy love,
Thy ut­most pow­er of love, we pray
Thine an­ger and Thy plague re­move;
Turn from Je­ru­sa­lem away
The curse and pun­ish­ment we feel,
Thou know’st we are Thy peo­ple still.

The ho­ly mount­ain of our God,
The ci­ty Thou hast built be­low,
Thy peo­ple, though dis­persed abroad,
A pro­verb of re­proach and woe,
We have our fa­thers’ sins filled up,
And drunk the bit­ter trem­bling cup.

Now then ack­now­ledge us for Thine,
Regard Thine hum­bled ser­vant’s pray­er,
And cause on us Thy face to shine,
The ru­ins of Thy Church re­pair,
O for the sake of Christ the Lord,
Let all our souls be now re­stored.

My God, in­cline Thine ear, and hear,
Open Thine eyes our wastes to see,
Thy fall­en de­so­late Si­on cheer,
The city which is named by Thee;
Not for our cry the grace be shown,
But hear, in Je­sus hear Thine own.

All our de­sert, we own, is hell,
But spare us for Thy mer­cy sake,
We hum­bly to Thy grace ap­peal,
And Je­sus’ wounds our re­fuge make,
O let us all Thy mer­cy prove,
The rich­es of Thy par­don­ing love.

O Lord, at­tend, O Lord for­give,
O Lord, re­gard our pray­er, and do,
Hasten, my God, and bid us live,
The full­ness of Thy mer­cy show,
Thy city, and Thy peo­ple own,
And per­fect all our souls in one.