Scripture Verse

In quietness and in trust shall be your strength. Isaiah 30:15


Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872–1958)

Words: John A. Dall­es, 1985. This hymn was writ­ten for the Hymn So­ci­ety’s search for new hymns on peace, & was one of five hymns the So­ci­ety se­lect­ed.

Music: Fo­rest Green tra­di­tion­al Eng­lish tune. Ar­ranged by Ralph Vaugh­an Will­iams, 1906 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:


O God of love, grant us Your peace,
Within each rest­less mind.
May all our in­ner tur­moil cease,
God show us how to find
Your qui­et rest, Your still, small voice,
Your light up­on life’s way,
To walk with you our hum­ble choice,
God give us grace to pray.

O God of life, grant us Your peace,
Both where we work and live.
Our ties of fel­low­ship in­crease,
God, teach us how to give
A help­ing hand, a list­en­ing ear,
A mes­sage we may share,
So day by day and year by year,
God give us grace to care!

O God of hope, grant us Your peace,
Though all the earth choose war.
May glob­al ten­sions now de­crease,
God, lead us to ad­ore
The way of Christ, and like our Lord,
Be mer­ci­ful and just,
Surrounded by Your liv­ing Word,
God give us grace to trust!

O God of all, grant us Your peace,
We share one hu­man bond,
And so when oth­ers seek re­lease,
God, help us to re­spond
To heal the sick, to seek the lost,
To set the cap­tive free,
To serve and ne­ver count the cost;
May we live peace­ful­ly!