Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
Psalm 144:1
Words: William B. Carpenter, in For God and Country, edited by Louis F. Benson (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1918), number 19.
Music: St. Anne William Croft, 1708 (🔊
O God, the strength of those who war,
The hope of those who wait,
Be with our sons gone forth to fight,
And those who keep the gate.
Give to our hosts in battle’s hour
Firm hearts and courage high,
Thy comfort give to those who fall,
Thy peace to those who die.
Breathe on our land the spirit calm
Which faith in right bestows,
And in the hours of dark suspense
A faith which stronger grows.
In Thee alone we place our hope,
Thou Keeper of the just,
And Thou, through fight and fire and fears
Wilt justify our trust.
Thy ways are wonderful, O God,
Who makest wars to cease:
O let this be the final war
That ushers in Thy peace.