Scripture Verse

God is my king of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth. Psalm 74:12


Words: Pa­ra­phrase of Psalm 74. Au­thor un­known.

Music: Al­ba­no Vin­cent No­vel­lo (1781–1861). First pub­lished in the ap­pen­dix to Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1868, from No­vel­lo’s orig­in­al ma­nu­script (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Vincent Novello (1781–1861)
National Portrait Gallery



O God, Thou art our king of old,
Salvation Thou hast wrought;
In safe­ty through the migh­ty sea
Our fa­thers Thou hast brought.

With migh­ty arm Thou didst de­stroy
The pride of boast­ful man,
And for Thy peo­ple made a path
Where migh­ty wa­ters ran.

The day is Thine, and Thine the night,
And Thine the shin­ing sun;
At Thy com­mand earth’s bounds are set
And chang­ing sea­sons run.

Mark how Thine ene­mies, O Lord,
Against Thee proud­ly speak;
Preserve Thy saints from wick­ed men,
Be mind­ful of the meek.

Fulfill, O Lord, Thy co­ve­nant,
Our strong pro­tect­or be,
For in the earth are dark abodes
Of crime and cru­el­ty.

Let not Thy saints be put to shame;
No long­er in Thy sight
Permit Thy foes to vaunt them­selves;
Lord, vin­di­cate the right.