Scripture Verse

O God, Thou hast cast us off, Thou hast scattered us, Thou hast been displeased; O turn Thyself to us again. Psalm 60:1


Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 158.

Music: Dun­ferm­line Scot­tish Psal­ter, 1615 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:


O God, Thou hast re­ject­ed us,
And hast af­flict­ed sore;
Thou hast been an­gry, but in grace
O once again re­store.

Lo, Thou hast torn and rent our land,
Thy judg­ments dread ap­pall;
O heal her shat­tered strength be­fore
She tot­ter to her fall.

Through ways of tri­al and dis­tress
Thy peo­ple Thou hast led,
A bit­ter cup Thou giv­est us
Of mi­se­ry and dread.

A glo­ri­ous ban­ner Thou has giv’n
To those who fear Thy name,
A ban­ner to dis­play abroad,
And thus the truth pro­claim.

That Thy be­lov­èd may be saved
And from their foes set free,
Help with the might of Thy right hand,
In mer­cy an­swer me.

God in His ho­li­ness has said:
I will tri­um­phant be,
All hea­then lands I claim as Mine,
And they shall bow to Me.

Now, there­fore, who will lead us on
Sin’s strong­holds to pos­sess?
No long­er cast us off, O God,
But give our hosts suc­cess.

Give Thou Thy help against the foe,
For help of man is vain;
Through God we shall do val­iant­ly,
The vic­to­ry He shall gain.