Scripture Verse

At the Name of Jesus every knee should bow…and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9–11


Words: From A Sup­ple­ment to the New Ver­sion of Psalms by Dr. Bra­dy and Mr. Tate, 1703, alt. (Te De­um lau­da­mus).

Music: Tal­lis’ Or­di­nal Tho­mas Tal­lis, cir­ca 1567 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Thomas Tallis (1505–1585)


O God, we praise Thee, and con­fess
That Thou the on­ly Lord
And ev­er­last­ing Fa­ther art,
By all the earth ad­ored.

To Thee all an­gels cry aloud;
To Thee the pow’rs on high,
Both che­ru­bim and se­ra­phim,
Continually do cry.

O ho­ly, ho­ly, ho­ly, Lord,
Whom heav’n­ly hosts ob­ey,
The world is with the glo­ry filled
Of Thy ma­jes­tic sway!

Th’apos­tles’ glo­ri­ous com­pa­ny,
And pro­phets crowned with light,
With all the mar­tyrs’ no­ble host,
Thy con­stant praise re­cite.

The ho­ly Church through­out the world,
O Lord, con­fess­es Thee,
That thou eter­nal Fa­ther art,
Of bound­less ma­jes­ty.

Thine hon­ored, true and on­ly Son;
And Holy Ghost, the Spring
Of ne­ver ceas­ing joy; O Christ
Of glo­ry Thou art king.